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In-Year Admissions

How to Apply

For full admissions arrangements for the local authority, please click on the Hillingdon icon below:



To apply for a primary place at Rabbsfarm Primary School you will need to contact our Local Education Authority and complete the online application. The link can be found here.

For Junior school applications (infant and junior schools only), please click on the Hillingdon logo below:





  • Why Choose a Primary School?

    Our Primary School has these benefits:

    • There is only one school transfer at age eleven, so less stress for pupils.
    • There are two complete key stages of the National Curriculum in one school, so better continuity and progression from class to class in the children’s work.
    • The staff, parents and pupils have the benefit of knowing each other for eight years.
    • A familiar atmosphere and greater convenience for parents, as brothers and sisters are in the same school.
  • Admissions

    Prospective parents are always welcome to talk to the Headteacher or to look around the school - just telephone the school office on 01895 444971 to make an appointment.
    For parents wishing to send their child into the Reception classes, they must apply to their Local Education Authority.  We only receive direct applications for Nursery children.
    The date for applications for children who are due to start Reception in September 2021  has now closed. Please visit https://archive.hillingdon.gov.uk/primary for information on how to make a late application If you have missed the deadline.  You can also contact the School Placements and Admissions team at the Civic Centre on 01895 554466 or email at admissions@hillingdon.gov.uk.  The office is open on Mondays-Fridays from 9am-5pm

  • Induction into Reception Classes

    We aim to keep parents well informed, and ensure that children are happy to start school, through our induction programme. Induction meetings for parents are held at school and there is the opportunity for the class teacher to meet you and your child in your own home. The children have opportunities to meet with their new class teachers during the Summer Term and there is always close liaison between Nursery and Reception classes.

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