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Cognition and Learning (COLT)

What is Cognition and Learning?

Cognition and learning refers to the general learning of the person.  Pupils with needs or difficulties in this area may learn at a slower pace to their peers, find it difficult to acquire skills, have low levels of attainment across subjects or struggle with problem solving.

Examples of cognition and learning needs/difficulties that are listed in the SEN code of practice include:

  • Specific learning difficulties (including dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia).
  • Moderate learning difficulties
  • Severe learning difficulties
  • Profound multiple learning difficulties


How do we implement this within the school?

At Rabbsfarm we support pupils with their learning and want pupils to achieve well. To do this we differentiate work within the classroom, have a daily class read and offer booster classes and groups. Additionally, we have processes within the school that allow us to track whether a pupil may have a specific learning difficulty (e.g. dyslexia pathway).

To enable effective support  for pupils with identified difficulties, we have split the interventions  into two areas: Maths and Literacy.

High Quality Teaching:

The pupils needs  can be met in the classroom through everyday high quality teaching which can include considerations of the classroom environments. Important aspects that our teachers will consider are the seating plan, ensuring that all resources are accessible. Additionally, all our classrooms are equipped with visual posters to support PASST including zones of regulation explaining how we can monitor and regulate our bodies. Our LSA’s have also received regular training from the Occupational Therapist in order to help support pupils that they work with in class.

















How can I support at home?

If you would like any further information on the COLT support we offer, please contact
Sara Daly, the schools SENCo, on

If you think your child might need help with their cognition and learning needs at home you can support them in the following ways:

  • Ask questions and set up opportunities to challenge and provoke deeper thinking/thinking for themselves. For instance, "How should we approach this?", "What should we do first?", "How does this work... can you help me?"
  • Encourage your child to come up with original and creative ideas and show an authetic response. This will help them have a stronger sense of self-worth and then approach tasks more confidently.
  • Let your child know what they think and question is valued and listen carefully to what they are trying to say so you may support them in this. 
  • Encourage your child to try various methods and problem solving techniques. Help your child keep trying until they find a solution that works for them. Examples could be in drawing, acting and talking.
  • Take trips to interesting places such as a museum, library, or local business to stimulate your child’s curiosity and sense of wonder. Offer hands-on experiences during these trips to allow for further exploration. Bring along paper, writing utensils, a camera, or recorder to capture any thoughts or questions.
  • Play a variety of games with your child. For younger children: build with blocks, roll balls, and play Peek-a-Boo. As your child matures:  play board games, play memory games, work on puzzles, and play Hide and Seek.
  • Choose toys for your child that encourages a variety of ways to play. Toys that can only be played with in one way limit children’s creativity and opportunities for problem-solving. Some suggestions would be: blocks, connecting toys, cardboard boxes, tracks and cars, paints, pencils, paper, homemade clay, instruments, etc.
  • Support your child with homework and keep connected with the class teacher to know how to support at home.
  • Practice content your child may struggle with, through repetition we can emmbedd the learning further so we can remember more effectively. For instance, counting with blocks, then counting with items of clothing and then food etc. 

Useful links:

Click on the logos below to take you directly to the website.

This link outlines some advice on how to promote cognitive development of young children through play:



BBC Bitesize- Lots of tips and advice from other children, fun learning activities and videos for your child:




Hillingdon Activities for Children - This link has information about all the local activities children can take part in around Hillingdon:



Day out with the kids - Here is another link of activities that are avaiable for children around the area:



Dynamo Maths - A maths intervention which you can trial for free or use at home if your child has been given a log in at school:






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