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Rabbsfarm is a cashless school, all payments go through Schoolcomms.


To access Schoolcomms - you will need to download the Schoolgateway App on your phone, tablet, computer or device. This will then open Schoolcomms.

You can find a user guide for Schoolcomms within the Parent and Carers / School Letters section of our website by clicking the link below:


Payments via Pay Point Voucher

If for any reason you cannot make payments online, there is a voucher system where you can pay at any store that has a School Gateway Pay Point. If you would like to use this method for payment please email us at office@rabbsfarm.hillingdon.sch.uk and the school will then provide you with a voucher that has a bar code on it. You then present the bay code at the store and payment can be made.

If you have any questions or would like any help, please email office@rabbsfarm.hillingdon.sch.uk and we will assist you.

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