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It is essential for parents, carers, teachers, and anyone involved in supporting children's learning to stay informed about new technologies. We all need to actively seek resources to ensure that children use technology, including the internet, safely. We encourage parents and carers to discuss online safety with their children to ensure they remain safe while online at home. Please also check your privacy and parent control settings on all devices

We strongly advise that parents and carers remain vigilant whilst their children are playing any online games. These platforms have live chat and video features. This makes children exceptionally vulnerable to online grooming and exploitation.

Can we also draw the attention of parents and carers to the appropriate age restrictions for online apps, websites, games and films / programmes. In order to protect children effectively they should not have access to any material that is not age appropriate.

This section of our website is dedicated to providing both parents, carers and children with links to valuable advice on how to be safe when using the internet. Here, you will find resources and tips to help you navigate the digital world safely and responsibly. 



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National Online Safety - Talking to your children about Online Safety

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